In an effort to facilitate safe and effective strength training by youngsters, CAN DO's staff of nationally certified personal trainers has developed a Youth Fitness Training Program using guidelines provided by the American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM). This program has been specifically designed for our preadolescent and teen population be they athlete or not. CAN DO's trainers encourage youngsters to incorporate physical activity into their daily routine, design safe, age appropriate, exercise programs for them, and supervise their exercise activities to assure they are performed in a safe and proper manner. CAN DO Princeton has a Youth designated area situated within the main level. Youth members, from ages 10 to 15, will use state of the art equipment designed to help them reach their specialized goals. The Youth area will be open and staffed by a CAN DO Personal Trainer Monday through Friday from 3 PM to 7 PM and 10 AM to 2 PM, Saturday and Sunday. Please contact the club for more information at 609.514.0500