The Top 10 Top Secret Fitness Tips To Keep Weight Off During The Holidays
Submitted on Oct 25, 2011
CHANGE IT UP: This is a perfect time to start trying different exercise program. Take advantage of physiological adaptations of the body to help stave off the pounds. If you lift heavy go light with more reps and volume. If you run or use the cardio equipment try a class instead. Changing up your workouts will give your body a jump start metabolically helping you stay fit!
INTENSITY: If you don’t have time to do your full 20 set chest and arm workout or a full 5mile run, how about trying to condense all of it into ½ the time. Increasing training intensity either by doing the same work one less time, increasing resistance on cardio equipment or adding more weigh to your strength training is the most powerful tool in helping increase BMR(basometobolic rate) . Basically, you’ll end up burning more calories at rest. So that extra dessert will just melt away instead of attaching itself to your hip!
EAT UP: Here is the biggest reason we gain weight during the holidays. We’ve all done this: “Ok I’ll just cut back all day eating because I know I’m going to eat more tonight at the company holiday party” This is a weight gain nightmare. By starving all day you will be slowing down your metabolism thus when you do eat more you’ll store more. Also, once you start eating you will be releasing storage hormones such as insulin which will tell your body to keep eating because it knows it starving. Instead, eat your normal food meals throughout the Fay which will keep you full and help you eat less and make better choices at the party.
LITTLE BLACK DRESS: For this holiday season dress to kill and don’t be afraid to flaunt it because the more form fitting your clothes are the less you will over eat because, everything shows in tight clothes.
USE THE SMALL PLATE: If you’re at an event where food is self serving and there’s plenty of it use a small salad plate instead of a regular dinner plate. This allows your brain visually to think there more food then there really keeping you from over eating.
FIBERIZE: Certain Fibers such as physillium husk taken prior to eating can make you feel very full on the smallest amount of food. Take 2 tablespoons of physillium husk prior to your party and watch how little you eat. Everyone will be impressed with your angelic willpower!
THE MOOD SUPPLEMENT: Food is very much a drug. It releases all types of hormones in our body that can alter your mood. You search for sweets to help release endorphins and you eat till your full releasing triptophan I that help your body feel relaxed. Well, if you supplement with 300mg of 5-HTP and a small piece of 90% dark chocolate prior to your social gathering you will feel all those mood enhancers without the calories.
BE ACTIVE: During the busiest time of the year it’s easy to be more active and burn those extra cookies your secretary baked and left out for all to eat. In your office, stand instead of sitting all day. At a party, walk around and mingle instead of sitting at the table all night. Go outside a enjoy a walk in the brisk cool air which will force your body to burn calories x2 to keep you warm and moving. Park far away from stores and walk. Take stairs instead of elevators and escalators. Exercise as much as possible!
STRESS RELIEF: Food has been known as the #1 thing most people turn to when they are stressed out. For many the holiday season is the most stressful time of the year. Take 10-15 minutes a day to meditate, calm you and get centered. Once stress is in check cortsol levels will stay low thus keeping insulin low which in turn keeps you from eating yourself into the New Year and a new pant size. Exercising, going for a walk, reading a book or just being still for 10-15 minutes a day will play a big part in keeping off those holiday pounds.
DON’T BEAT YOURSELF UP: Remember the holidays only come once a year. So if you happen to go over board at mom’s house not a problem. Just wake up the next morning, get your exercise in, and get back on your healthy eating plan. I see so much self-sabotage by trying to stay so strict that it leads to a week long eating affair instead of 1 or 2 times.
Enjoy in moderation and your body and mind will thank you in the NEW YEAR!